我的生命藍圖 My Life Blueprint – 2007

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以下的人生目標,這於2007年,當我還在廣州做AC A教練公司的首席教練時候,定下的人生目標,可以反映我當時的想法和目標,作為時代的檢驗,個人成長的印證。


我要成為這樣的人  This, I Will Become..


I Live a significant and meaningful life.  I love my life and my family.  I serve others with my love, my wisdom, and my full ability.  I live to serve my God’s purposes on me, so that I will glorify God with everything I do.

我的事業目標 My Career Objectives

成為中國金融機構的知名教練導師結交、吸引、培育志同道合的人成為專業教練導師, 從而推動使中國人人有保險、個個會理財、共用美滿人生抱負。

To become a respected coach and mentor in the financial services industry of China. 

To attract, connect with, nurture people with similar vision to become professional coaches and mentors.  To contribute to the empowerment and enabling of my every fellow-countryman in China to get protection, with prospering and fulfilling lives through insurance and financial planning.

我的教練事業目標(3) My Short Term (3 Year) Coach Business Objectives

   掌握, 應用, 發揮教練技術,説明更多客戶運用5自精神 (自強, 自發,自重, 自信, 自立), 更快, 更易, 更輕鬆達成人生事業目標。

  • 在全國主要城市,包括香港、深圳、廣州、上海、杭州、北京、重慶等,提供高素質,與業務願景相匹配之教練服務。
  • 吸引精英客戶,創造精英學員出色而顯著的成績。
  • 完成招募、培育我國教練人材,組成技能專業多技能之精英教練團隊。

    Be able to apply and promote the 5 Automatic Self-Piloting principles of coaching (The principle of self-empowerment, self-initiation, self-reassuring, self-confidence, and self-standing) to achieve and fulfill their life and business goals in an easier, faster, and better ways,

    Offer highly valued, mission critical coaching services in major cities of China, including Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, and Chongqing.

    Attract top rated clients to achieve noticeable top-rated achievement through coaching services.

    Complete recruiting and certifying qualified professional and ethical coach teams.

我的教練事業目標(5My Short Term (5 Year) Coach Business Objectives

  • 發明,創立,推動高新教練知識技術, 發展適合亞洲地區的教練經驗技術。
  • 在亞洲主要城市,包括中港臺、星馬泰菲印等地,提供高素質,與業務願景相匹配之教練服務。
  • 吸引精英客戶,創造精英學員出色而顯著的成績。
  • 成立亞洲最全面、最先進、成效最顯著之教練培訓專業學院,培養教練人材。

         Develop, create, and promote new and highly effectively coaching knowledge and skills for Asia.

         Offer highly valued, mission critical coaching services in major cities of Asia, including Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia.

         Attract top rated clients to achieve noticeable top-rated achievement through coaching services.

         Set up a Professional Coaching Training Academy to nurture and certify professional coaches for Asia.

我的生活目標  My Way of Living Objectives

自在輕鬆、忘記背後、向著標竿直跑。每個當下、能覺知、展現、付出、愛心、知慧、能力,愛人如己。To live a happy and fulfilling life.  Choose to forget about my past; to run at my full speed toward my goals.  In every moment of my life, I am mindful about my mission, my identity, my resources and my power made available to me from God.  I can demonstrate and give out such love, wisdom, ability and power to love others as if I am loving myself.

我的家庭目標  My Family Objectives


To nurture my children to become mindful about themselves, so that they can demonstrate, give out their love, wisdom, and ability to hold  their own accountability in life; to love others as they were loving themselves and live a fulfilling life.To live with my spouse until we become old.  Join hands with her to make a significant and meaningful life.

我的社會目標  My Community Services Objectives

提供教練服務, 推動讓中國人人有保險、個個會理財、共用美滿人生使命。

To coach, and to contribute to the empowerment and enabling of my every fellow-countryman in China to get protection, with prospering and fulfilling lives through insurance and financial planning.

我的學習目標  My Learning Objectives

  • 時刻感恩、善用上天的恩賜, 助己愛人, 效法基督。
  • 結合所學所知, 研發高新效用的教練經驗和技術。
  • Show gratitude and appreciation of gifts received from God.  Help myself while loving others.  Learn to behave like Christ;
  • Integrate what I learnt and knew.  Develop them into new and effective coaching skills and experiences for sharing

我的人際關係目標 My Interpersonal Relationship Objectives

注重, 感恩每段關係帶來的天賦禮物,看出別人真善美。主內弟兄姊妹,互相支持、互相鼓勵、互相牧養、互相成長、連成肢體、主內合一。Closely attend to, respect and show appreciation of each relationship, recognizing each relationship is a gift of God.  Look beyond doubt and suspicion to realize the true beauty and learning from each relationship.  Become One in Christ with my fellow Christian.

我的遠期目標 My Ultimate Life Objectives



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